Happy Spring – We’re Back!

Dear Friends,

We are back from our vacation, rested and renewed, and are diving deeply into ‘The Ecstasy Beyond Knowing’, a manual of meditation representing the lifetime work of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan.

We are at a time where healing and spiritual awakening are needed more than ever, and each of us is capable of developing ourselves as healers and spiritually awakened human beings. What more important work is there, and what can be offered in service which is more meaningful? Together, we can become healing, encouraging presences, and make a difference. Journeying in spiritual community can be a source of illumination, mutual support, friendship, and inspiration.

Please join us on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm for Healing Circle, and 8:00pm for Spiritual Awakening class.

Enjoying the lovely people and the Land in Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Blessings to All!