Classes and Events on Hiatus Beginning 9/9/21

c.p. 2016 by Tarrajna Walsh

Dear Friends on the Spiritual Path,  as many of you know, my dear mom, Adeline Soul, embarked on the Inner Journey this past May.  Steven and I had the Blessing of attending her in her last two weeks of human life, which was a deeply intimate and sacred experience.

Since that time, our task has been to prepare Parents’ ranch for sale by clearing and cleaning it.  This is a very large and intensive task, as Parents lived at this place on the Land for over fifty years.  In consideration of this, I have decided to take a hiatus from offering classes and other events until we complete this task and have a rest.  Our thanks to all who have attended and supported our activities;  we treasure your Presence in our lives and our time together with you.

We request your Blessing prayers with gratefulness.  If you would like to connect for spiritual guidance, or to say “hi”, please use the Contact Form.  If you would like to be notified when classes and events resume, please complete the form “Sign Up For Event Notices” on our Home page:

Loving Blessing Wishes to All;  we look forward to seeing you again soon :-).

