Kalyan Center Offerings Resume 9/26/22 – Now on Mondays!

Greetings, Dear Friends,

We hope that with all Life’s changes, this finds you well and happy :-).
Steven and I are home now, gradually recovering from the Ranch Clean-up saga and starting to get our own lives/place organized.
We had a sad experience last week, when Yellow Bird, our pet of 25 years, Journeyed On.  Her great, loud, feisty, and sometimes sweet Presence is missed.  This marks the end of 39 years of caring for children, aging parents, and pets, and we are adjusting to our new life with new possibilities for traveling more often.  I would like to express our thanks and appreciation for Aslihan and Murat, who often cared for Yellow Bird and our home with loving excellence while we were away – thank you, Dear Friends OO:-)OO.  Fly Well in the infinite Sky of Love, Dear Yellow Bird – we are thankful for your Life!
Several of you have called or written saying you miss our Kalyan Center classes and community – thank you for that :-).  Several have also requested a different day, so we will try that!  We will resume next week on Monday, September 26th (instead of Tuesday) at our usual times:
4-5pm ET for Spiritual Music/Healing Circle (1-2pm PT/3-4pm CT) and
5-6pm ET for Spiritual Awakening Class (2-3pm PT/4-5pm CT)
Okay – we are looking forward to seeing you again in the sacred space of Companions on the Spiritual Path!
Love to All,
Kalyan Center